On Tue, Dec 20, 2005 at 10:42:43AM +0200, Muli Ben-Yehuda wrote:

>  Having said that, I guess a crook considers everyone else a
> crook, eh Alon?

I'd like to apologize for this remark and others in similar vein that
I made this morning. I do not consider Alon a crook, and I do believe
he has the Amuta's best intentions at heart, just executes on them
poorly. I hope Alon realizes how provoking his actions have been, and
I'm sorry for not having developed an (even) thicker skin.

I'd also like to encourage y'all, flamers and silent readers alike, to
stop this infighting (or stop reading it, as the case may be) and go
do something productive, like write free software. I'm taking my own
advice now.

Muli Ben-Yehuda
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