> On Apr 18, 2016, at 5:16 PM, Chris Barker <chris.bar...@noaa.gov> wrote:
> 1.  PyYAML is a package that would be de-registered in such a scheme.  It is 
> a highly used, extremely popular, package that unserializes text into 
> arbitrary python objects.  It is a trusted package... and one that hasn't 
> been active in ages.
> and you don't think ANYONE would be willing to take on the miniscule amount 
> of work to maintain the name? Plus there would be any number of other schemes 
> for determining whether a project name is abandoned.

This sort of gets to the core of one of the major questions that has to be 
answered before you talk about expiring names and such. Who “owns” a name on 
PyPI? Right now, as implemented, the people who “own” (in terms of ACL) the 
name on PyPI are the owners of said name. In this vein PyPI has traditionally 
been first come first serve on names and generally will not release a name to 
someone else without the current owner’s permission [1]. This leads to 
projects, even popular ones, sometimes falling into abandonment, sometimes even 
when you have a new maintainer willing to step up (as is the case with Ian and 
pyYAML) or in some cases, has already forked the project under another name (as 
is the case with PIL and Pillow). However, this also means that in general, if 
you decide you trust the current owner of something on PyPI, you know that it’s 
not suddenly going to be owned by someone else *unless* the person who you 
previously trusted decides to give it away to them (and thus, implicitly 
transferring the trust you granted them to another person).

So, before we try and think up some mechanism for expiring names, or forcibly 
taking a name from the current owner and giving it to another, we [2] would 
first need to decide that names on PyPI are not owned by the individuals who 
hold the registration, but are instead owned by the community and the current 
individuals are only borrowing them. This would mean that instead of having 
packages wither and get abandoned we could instead transfer them to new 
maintainers who can keep the project going. However, that of course raises new 
questions like:

* Should we only transfer projects to maintainers who want to keep the current 
project going? Such as with PIL or pyYAML?
  - This will be generally less surprising to end users, but it doesn’t solve 
the problem of rarely used packages “blocking” other’s use of the name.

* How do we determine who to give a name to? Surely we shouldn’t hand off a 
package that people are using to the first random passerby who happens to ask 
for it and  we can probably trust Guido not to be malicious (or else we have 
bigger problems ;) ), but how do we determine if someone is to be trusted when 
they inevitably fall somewhere in between?

* The current policy is pretty black and white with only a little bit of grey 
area (what is a “real” package that’s been uploaded to a project, what is a 
malicious package, etc), but moving over to community owned names would open 
things up to a far wider set of grey areas, and who is going to arbitrate when 
a project is abandoned or when it’s “popular” or not?
  - If folks are unaware, npmjs.org <http://npmjs.org/> just recently had a bit 
of a kerfuffle over a package on their repository going missing, “left-pad”, 
due to the grey-ness of their policy.
  - The current, fairly rigid policy came around because the PyPI admins 
decided to give what appeared to be an unmaintained library to someone new who 
had forked the library, after the original author hadn’t responded to an email. 
This ended up causing our own kerfuffle when it turned out this person *wasn’t* 
absent and *wasn’t* OK with this. [3].

* If we start giving projects out to other people, what tools should we give 
people to deal with that?
  - The latest version of pip has a mode that allows you to specify a number of 
hashes and it won’t install anything that doesn’t match a hash. That could 
protect end users from installing something inadvertently, but it’s very opt in 
and requires hard pins ``==`` so it’s not likely to get a large uptick.
  - If we mandated semver (or something like it) we could make it so that 
transferring a name *forced* a major version bump and the new author would be 
unable to release anything using a smaller major version number, people could 
then pin to <CURRENT_MAJOR+1 and be assured that somebody new won’t take over a 
project without their knowing about it. However we haven’t historically 
mandated this and there are a lot of projects using date based versions that 
would b very unhappy (in addition to the fact upper pins often are major 
contributors to being unable to resolve a version tree of dependencies).
  - If we implemented a signature scheme, we could possibly flag certain key 
changes as must-require-confirmation or something like it and if users have 
previously used the old key, they won’t install the new package without first 
confirming the key change.

Anyways, the very first thing we need to decide is if projects are community or 
individual owned, and if community owned, under what situations are we willing 
to transfer and what stipulations there should be. Once we have all that, 
figuring out a mechanism becomes a lot easier (even if that mechanism is 

[1] The main exception to this rule is when the name is obviously being used 
for nothing and the current owner is not reachable by one of the PyPI admins. 
In this case we’ve vacated a name and assigned it to someone else without the 
current owner’s OK. Other exceptions are things like malicious packages, spam, 
[2] Who is we? To be honest, I don’t really know. I suspect this is something 
that could be handled as a PEP perhaps, or maybe this is something that the PSF 
Board should decide.
[3] The whole thing was a bit more complicated than that, there were some 
process failures on our side as well.

Donald Stufft
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