Here here.

As to the concept of a name being community owned vs. registrant owned - I am very opposed to changing the rules mid-stream. If community ownership is to be a thing (and I do not want it to be a thing at all, but if it is), it should be *from this point forward* the names are community owned.

On 4/18/2016 18:16, Glyph wrote:

On Apr 18, 2016, at 3:11 PM, Donald Stufft < <>> wrote:

If we mandated semver (or something like it) we could make it so that transferring a name *forced* a major version bump and the new author would be unable to release anything using a smaller major version number, people could then pin to <CURRENT_MAJOR+1 and be assured that somebody new won’t take over a project without their knowing about it. However we haven’t historically mandated this and there are a lot of projects using date based versions that would b very unhappy (in addition to the fact upper pins often are major contributors to being unable to resolve a version tree of dependencies).

Just want to raise my hand to be counted here among the people that would be /extremely/ unhappy if PyPI started mandating semver.


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