> On May 10, 2016, at 10:16 AM, Antoine Pitrou <solip...@pitrou.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 10 May 2016 10:38:51 +0300
> Alex Grönholm <alex.gronh...@nextday.fi> wrote:
>> TOML isn't much better than ConfigParser in terms of representing nested
>> structures.
> Indeed, that seems to be a strong point against TOML.  If we don't care
> about nested structures that much, then ConfigParser should be more or
> less ok…

TOML is infinitely better at nested structured that ConfigParser, given that
TOML actually *supports* nested structures beyond a level of 1. The only way
to get anything like:

    dependencies = ["setuptools", "wheel"]

In ConfigParser is to add post-processing to the values, which then you're no
longer a "ConfigParser" file, you're a "ConfigParser + Whatever random one off
code you wrote to do post processing" file.

Donald Stufft
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