On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 5:34 PM, Wes Turner <wes.tur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Chances are, there will be a package or two that you rely on that is not
>> in conda defaults (maintained by Continuum) or currently in conda-forge. So
>> you can pip-install those few -- but what if they aren't on PyPi either? or
>> are hard to compile and install with ugly dependencies?  You can contribute
>> build recipes to conda-forge, and then have it for you, and all your users,
>> and the rest of the world to access. Much better than hand maintaining
>> stuff yourself.
> Someone still needs to commit to maintaining the conda package; otherwise
> who knows whether this is the latest  stable  release?

Indeed. and it it's a not-that-widely-used package, then you will have to
do that yourself -- but using the conda-forge infrastructure makes that
(relatively) easy. In contrast -- who knows whether the package on PyPi is
the latest stable release? Hopefully the maintainer is keeping it up, but
if not, you're kinda dead in the water.

>> My pain point now is still full multi-platform support. conda has package
>> versions that are platform independent, but it can still be hard to get
>> everything built  in the same version on all platforms, so it does get a
>> bit ugly.
> Docker images are reproducible and archivable:

In a way Docker, as I understand it, is orthogonal to this conversation.
And when I talk about "all platforms", I mean running natively on all
platforms -- I can't give my Windows users a Linux VM and expect them to
know what the heck to do with it.

Not that Docker isn't a really useful tool to htlep address some of these


> What platforms does conda-forge auto-build for?
> - [x] x86[-64]


(all Intel)

- [ ] linux-armv7l
>   - https://github.com/conda-forge/conda-forge.github.io/issues/269

looks like folks are trying, but it's not really there yet -- mostly due to
the lack of easy to access CI services for armv7I

It's an open-source project -- if it's important to someone, it will get



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