On 7 July 2017 at 20:30, Nathaniel Smith <n...@pobox.com> wrote:
> I think this is a really interesting idea, but it makes me very
> nervous that we're starting design work on novel features when we
> still haven't finalized a basic build_wheel hook.

This isn't a novel feature, it's a revised approach to how we split
the responsibility for supporting out of tree builds between frontends
and backends, since folks aren't happy with the current
"prepare_input/build_artifact" split.

> PEP 517 was written in 2015...

And PEP 426 was written in 2012. Standards development tImelines can
get looong when the status quo at least kinda sorta works, and nobody
has commercial deadlines forcing them to push to standardize new
interfaces before a genuine consensus has developed :)

> This proposal creates substantial complications for build systems that
> default to doing in-place builds, which is almost all existing system
> from 'make' onwards. Legacy build systems often can't do out-of-tree
> builds at all (e.g. consider the case where you have a vendored C
> library whose build system you want to einvoke as part of your build).
> Is this a problem? The benefits are potentially large, but are they
> worth it if they increase the barrier to entry for new build systems?
> I'm not sure how to tell. And in the mean time, pip is still
> unconditionally calling copytree before even looking at the source
> tree...
> Is it absolutely necessary to get this into the first PEP?

If we don't explicitly include out-of-tree build support as a design
concept from the start, then we increase the risk of folks creating
in-tree only build backends that then break down later when
out-of-tree support is introduced as an expectation. If anyone was
negatively impacted by that, they could fairly accuse us of
perpetrating a bait-and-switch in the standards definition process.

And since distilling that support down to its core essence has been
the single most controversial aspect of the PEP to date, getting to an
approach that at least pip, flit, enscons, and a hypothetical PEP 517
adapter for setuptools can all live with is a fairly important point
to resolve.

The latest round of discussions have been enlightening, as they have
allowed us to articulate that from pip's point of view, the key
requirement is to be able to tell a backend not to include anything
that wouldn't be included when building via an sdist.

>From flit's point of view, Tomas wants frontends to able to express a
preference between two different failure modes:

1. The frontend wants the wheel build to *guarantee* it exactly
matches going via the sdist path
2. The frontend wants a working wheel build more than it cares about
matching the sdist path

The "call build_sdist, then call build_wheel on the unpacked archive"
approach gives us the first option, which is sufficient for pip's
needs, but *only* including that path doesn't provide the latter

Up until now, we've attempted to provide the latter feature through
various incarnations of the "prepare_wheel_input" hook, which have
been consistently confusing as to when and how frontends should call
them, and backends should deal with them.

Daniel's latest suggestion was merely to ask "What if rather than
making that a separate hook, we made it a parameter to the existing
build_wheel hook?". That way, it's entirely up to the *backend* to
decide how best to align the results of an out-of-tree build with what
you'd get from going through the sdist path (with one of the main
options being to move the input files and then do an in-place build in
the new directory, and the other main option being to use any native
out-of-tree build capabilities in the underlying build system).

>From pip's point of view, it can still try the build_sdist hook
implicitly *first* for source installations, and only fall back to
setting "build_directory" on the build_wheel hook if the sdist
creation fails.

So everybody gets what they're looking for from the API, and the only
extra concept we have to explain in PEP 517 is the difference between
in-place ("build_directory=None") and out-of-tree ("build_directory"
set to a filesystem path) wheel builds.


Nick Coghlan   |   ncogh...@gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia
Distutils-SIG maillist  -  Distutils-SIG@python.org

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