On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 9:16 AM, Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io> wrote:

Ensurepip is the mechanism that Python uses to bundle pip with Python. We
> didn’t add pip to the stdlib, we added ensurepip to the stdlib. In 3.x the
> makefiles and macOS/Windows installers will automatically run ensurepip
> (however in both cases there are flags to disable running ensurepip— but it
> defaults to On in 3.x).

OK -- that makes sense.

> > Or really, the question at hand: should a user starting from scratch
> > with a python.org install of 3.7 run ensurepip?
> >
> > Or can they just go straight to:
> >
> > Python3 -m pip install —upgrade pip
> >
> The intention behind ensurepip was that they could just go straight to
> ``python3 -m pip install -U pip`` because the ensurepip was implicit when
> they installed Python. However some downstream distributors have mucked
> around with ensurepip in one way or another (ranging from not running it by
> default, to out right disabling it).

so I *think* that means that ensurepip still has a useful function, but if
folks install python from the python.org installers (on Windows and OS-X)
then they can upgrade pip right out of the box -- yes?



Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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