FYI pipenv have been vendoring pip since pretty early in the projects 
existence, since before 10 was released. At no point was I in touch to say that 
was a major issue though because we use the api precisely as you describe, *at 
our own risk*. Every time I’ve been in touch it’s been to ask how to go about 
starting the conversation around sharing elements of a codebase, to which the 
answer has universally been ‘don’t use our internals, go write a library if you 
want’. So as a result we’ve mostly gone away and kept pip vendored as we 
started some libraries. 

The internal changes didn’t do much as far as I’m concerned, and as we knew the 
risks and had a vendored copy we were able to upgrade on our own clock. We use 
this copy only to fetch things from the index for generating lockfiles. Also 
there was significant publicity saying that people shouldn’t use internals and 
it seemed like it should honestly not be on you to worry about — that’s the 
whole point of vendoring it. I don’t think any of us saw a point in trying to 
force that problem on pip given the internals changes. And pipenv was not a 
part of the pypa at the start of the project, so we certainly _were_ working in 
isolation at that time. 

To Chris’ broader point it is definitely duplicated effort and I am in full 
agreement which is why I want to establish which code should be extracted and 
generalized and where it should be maintained. But as Paul mentioned there also 
is no PyPA strategy at play here. We aren’t trying to move into pip’s space and 
vice versa AFAIU but I’m also not too sure how much trying to point a finger at 
us here is helpful. You find it frustrating that we are working in isolation, I 
find it frustrating that I keep being pushed to go away and write libraries 
whenever I mention sharing functionality, which to me sounds like you want me 
to work in isolation. Obviously there is some communication breakdown— At the 
end of the day I just want to give users a consistent experience. Hopefully 
this is a goal others share. 

As far as the pipenv roadmap, we are rewriting a good chunk of it but it 
essentially the atomic things we do or would like to do with regards to shared 
functionality at a high level:

- parse user input/requirements
- retrieve package metadata
- resolve dependencies (not in pip right now obviously) — may involve building 
- download / build packages
- install packages (into a virtualenv sometimes)
- uninstall packages (from a virtualenv sometimes)
- list packages etc (in a virtualenv sometimes)

We know how these are accomplished in pip and we know how we are handling them 
both in pipenv and in our alternative implementations, which I believe still 
have some dependency on pip. For us the roadmap is basically to figure out

- where do the abstractions live
- how do we start
- ???

Dan Ryan // pipenv maintainer
gh: @techalchemy

> On Sep 25, 2018, at 8:11 AM, Paul Moore <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 25 Sep 2018 at 12:53, Chris Jerdonek <> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Sep 25, 2018 at 3:47 AM, Tzu-ping Chung <> wrote:
>>> We are using pip internals for things pip wasn’t implemented for. 
>>> Specifically,
>>> Pipenv uses pip’s package-fetching functions to implement its 
>>> platform-agnostic
>>> resolver. pip does not have this, so there’s no functional overlap here. 
>>> Those
>>> utilities are used to build something that doesn’t exist in pip, so there’s 
>>> no
>>> duplicated efforts.
>>> My recent focus on making sense of packaging implementations and splitting 
>>> out
>>> parts of pip is exactly to prevent potential duplicated efforts. If we 
>>> can’t use pip
>>> internals, let’s make things we want to use *not* internal!
>> I don't see this practice of "splitting out parts of pip" actually
>> being followed so far though, and I want to tell you how it's leading
>> to duplicated efforts right now -- even for the PR's I happen to be
>> working on today.
> [...]
>> So by creating implementations of functions separate from pip instead
>> of splitting them out of pip, it's leading to duplicated work for
>> people working on pip's code base. A process of splitting something
>> out of pip would I think involve a process more like what I'm
>> following -- namely to refactor functionality in pip *first* so it can
>> be used separately, and then pull that out so you only have one
>> implementation at any point in time. Otherwise, you wind up creating
>> two versions of similar functionality that not only need to be created
>> twice, but also later reconciled if the plan is merge them back
>> together.
> This is a very good point, and thanks for the concrete example. For
> the record, I'm also a little annoyed that pipenv have been doing all
> this work in isolation. There's been very little communication between
> the pip and pipenv projects, and I think that's contributed to the
> problem. I, for one, wasn't even aware for a long time that they were
> embedding their own copy of pip. When we made pip's internals in
> private in pip 10, we got essentially no feedback from anyone saying
> that it would be a problem, and finding out that it had a sufficiently
> major impact on pipenv that they had to embed the old version of pip
> *after* the release was (to put it politely) suboptimal :-(
> Having said all this, this thread is the start of an attempt to work
> better together and I think we should be glad that it's happening and
> try to make it work. But I don't think we've got off to a particularly
> good start and it will need work. In particular, I'd like to see an
> attempt from *both* projects to clarify our goals - I've been speaking
> solely for myself so far, it would be good to get the other pip
> developers' views and set out a sort of roadmap, and for pipenv to do
> the same.
> Paul
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