On Tue, Jan 29, 2019, 06:59 Donald Stufft <don...@stufft.io wrote:

> On Jan 29, 2019, at 9:48 AM, Xavier Fernandez <xav.fernan...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> I disagree that it *needs* the name: since the link is declared as a
> dependency, the installer will necessarily need to check/download it at
> some point to install it and could discover the package name at that point,
> just like it will discover the version at the same point.
> Providing the name in the direct reference is an optimization that ease
> the work of the installer and allowing to provide a version specifier could
> be an other one.
> It needs the name to do that without downloading, which is ideally the
> direction we’re heading towards, that we can do as much work prior to
> downloading files as possible.

This confused me too, but after thinking about it I think maybe I get it.

The thing is, there actually is no way for a resolver to know for certain
whether it wants to download a direct URL like this until after it has
downloaded it. Because, you could have a situation where after you download
it, you discover that it has a version, or its own requirements, that are
inconsistent with the other requirements we've gathered, and then the
resolver has to backtrack. And in backtracking it might decide not to use
that exact URL after all.

But, we can imagine a resolver that works in phases: first, it uses all the
information it can get without downloading/building anything to construct
an optimist candidate solution: "assuming everything I haven't downloaded
yet cooperates, this will work". And then we download/build until either
everything works out, or else we discover some conflict and go back to
phase 1 with more information in our database.

If package A depends on B and C, and if package B depends on "C @
some-url"... well, we don't know until we download it whether there
different C requirements are going to match up, it's true. But because the
package name is present in the URL requirement, we at least know that we
don't need to go find C somewhere *else*. If all we had was the URL without
the name, then in this case we might end up downloading C from PyPI,
spending time building it, and only after that download the URL and
discover that it was also package C.

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