On Tue, 2020-06-23 at 15:51 -0700, David Mathog wrote:
> What I am after is some method of keeping exactly one copy of each
> package-version in the common area (ie, one might find foo-1.2,
> foo-1.7, and foo-2.3 there), while also presenting only the one
> version of each (let's say foo-1.7) to a particular installed program.
> On linux it might do that by making soft links to the common
> PYTHONPATH area from another directory for which it sets PYTHONPATH
> for the application. Finally, this has to be usable by any account
> which has read execute access to the main directory.
> Does such a beast exist?  If so, please point me to it!

I have been meaning to do something like this for a while now! But
unfortunately I can't find the time.

If you do choose of start implementing it, please let me know. I would
be happy to help out.

Filipe Laíns

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