I'm planning to build a 'miniDSP'
(http://www.minidsp.com/products/minidspkits/minidigi) combo into an
amplifier housing that I already have.  The miniDIGI has a couple of
Toslink inputs and a couple of RCA SPDIF inputs.  The back plate of my
amplifier housing will have some Neutrik-sized 'Toslink couplers'
and RCA sockets.  I can wire up the RCA sockets to the miniDIGI RCA
inputs easily enough, but connecting the Toslink couplers to the Toslink
inputs is going to need some really short Toslink cables (~15cm).  Does
anyone know a good economical source for a few ready-made short Toslink
cables?  Alternatively, I believe that DIY Toslink cables are doable. 
Does anyone have a good source for the bits to make these myself?  And
by 'economical', I DON'T mean 'this'
£113 for 30cm, although in fairness the price per metre improves for the
longer lengths - only £400 for 8m :-)

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