pippin wrote: 
> SqueezeButtonPi is a tool some of you might find useful if you are
> trying to build a Raspberry Pi based Squeezebox player and you want to
> use various buttons or rotary encoders.
> It's currently a bit limited - only supports playback control commands
> without feedback (play, pause, power, skip, volume) but it could easily
> be extended to take server feedback and support things like "favorites"
> although for the latter someone should take the time to create a "hold"
> gesture detection for a button, something I didn't have the time for so
> far.
> One nice feature is that it's able to autodetect a common Squeezebox
> setup so you often don't need to manually configure the MAC, the server
> etc. and it can do automatic server switching.
> >   >   > 
  - Supports buttons and rotary encoders
  - Can be run as a daemon at startup and is fully command-line
  > configurable
  - Automatically detects the MAC address of your RPi (or you can
  > configure it manually)
  - Automatically detects what server your player is connected to and
  > switches the server if your player does so it can be used in
  > multi-server setups without a configuration change
  - can use authenticating servers, although only with manual
  > username/password configuration
  > > > 
> Here's the source code and more documentation:
> https://github.com/coolio107/SqueezeButtonPi-Daemon
> > 
  >   > 
  > sbpd [OPTION...] [e,pin1,pin2,CMD,edge] [b,pin,CMD,edge...]
> > 
> Options arguments:
> > 
  >   >   
  > -A, --address=Server-Address   Set server address. Default: autodetect
  > -M, --mac=MAC-Address      Set MAC address of player. Deafult: autodetect
  > -p, --password=password    Set password for server. Default: none
  > -P, --port=xxxx            Set server control port. Default: autodetect
  > -u, --username=user name   Set user name for server. Default: none
  > -d, --daemonize            Daemonize
  > -k, --kill                 Kill daemon
  > -s, --silent               Don't produce output
  > -v, --verbose              Produce verbose output
  > -?, --help                 Give this help list
  > --usage                Give a short usage message
  > -V, --version              Print program version
> > 
> Non-Option arguments.
> At least one needs to be specified for the daemon to do anything
> useful
> Arguments are a comma-separated list of configuration parameters:
> > 
  >   >   
  > For rotary encoders (one, volume only):
  > e,pin1,pin2,CMD[,edge]
  > "e" for "Encoder"
  > p1, p2: GPIO PIN numbers in BCM-notation
  > CMD: Command. Unused for encoders, always VOLM for Volume
  > edge: Optional. one of
  > 1 - falling edge
  > 2 - rising edge
  > 0, 3 - both
  > For buttons: 
  > b,pin,CMD[,edge]
  > "b" for "Button"
  > pin: GPIO PIN numbers in BCM-notation
  > CMD: Command. One of:
  > PLAY:   Play/pause
  > PREV:   Jump to previous track
  > NEXT:   Jump to next track
  > VOL+:   Increase volume
  > VOL-:   Decrease volume
  > POWR:   Toggle power state
  > edge: Optional. one of
  > 1 - falling edge
  > 2 - rising edge
  > 0, 3 - both
> > 


Many thanks for posting all this detailed information on the Tivoli
radio and software - it's very helpful but I'm stuck on one point.  I
think you were using PcP in the radio (?) but to install the software
needs git and Wiring Pi, I believe.

I could do it on Raspbian and there are plenty of guides around but as
PcP is based on TinyCore, I'm not sure how to install git or the Wiring
Pi library, or where to save the SqueezeButtonPi code to.  Would you be
able to help?  
many thanks

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