I won't pretend to have tested everything, but it looks like Django on
Jython (Jango? Djython?) should work fairly well once it has a
database backend and a request handler. I have no idea how much it
would take to write a db backend using zxJDBC, but the request handler
should be fairly straightforward. Of course, each would have to
written against a specific intended use (such as DB2 and WebSphere),
but it might just be possible.

After doing a few fairly trivial search/replace operations and writing
a couple helper functions, templates and newforms seem to be working.
The test suite won't even run properly without a db backend, so I
can't be sure how completely those are working, but they passed some
basic interactive interpreter tests. This is great news though,
because those of us using Java as a day job might just be able to
start a shift to Python, or at least be able to use Django's template
language and form support to make life easier.

I should qualify this by saying that this was only tested with a
slightly-altered 0.95. I don't have Django SVN and a Java environment
on the same PC at the moment, so more testing will have to wait until
I do. Once I know a bit more, I'll write up my findings and keep you
all in the loop.


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