I'll chime in just for a few cents here.

First, I think it's worth noting that most Python programmers find
little value in how many characters they have to type. Sure, Python is
generally less verbose than many other languages, but only to the
extent of making it more readable. So kep readability in mind when
you're suggesting changes, not just how many characters are "saved".

That said, I'd also recommend that if you're going to draw any
parallels with unittest assertions, you should probably do it
reliably. Your validate_exception() example was completely unreadable
to me, because it works quite differently than the one in unittest.

On the whole though, I have to agree with Russell on this. The
unittest module was written to fall in line with implementations in
other languages, probably so that documentation could be reusable.
It's not terribly Pythonic, but people use it because it works well.
It's also now well-entrenched, so changing it would cause more
problems than it would solve. It's certainly not a banner-worthy
Python module.

Also of note is the fact that people generally don't write and
maintain tests very often. Good tests can be reused for multiple
iterations of development. In fact, good testing practices would
specifically avoid changing tests unelss it's absolutely necessary
(major feature change), so people deal with the strangness of unittest
far less often than they deal with other parts of their code. Given
the goal of readability, we should focus on making the more-often-used
tasks more readable, not simply shorter.


P.S. This is no way intended to mean I have any opinion on the
readability of the proposal in question. I'm just bringing up some
things to keep in mind when discussing.

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