On 9/22/07, Tristan King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A bit more progress today.
> I think i've solved the __unicode__ problems which leo has been solving
> with django workaround (i think it's the same problem anyways),
> internally to jython.
> (see obj-unicode.patch)

[More patches to Jython]

Tristan, please post this patches into the Jython tracker:
http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=12867 , or discuss them on
the Jython maling list:  (I'm sure of the consequences of removing
object.__unicode__, nor about providing an empty co_code on

They are applying many patches for their 2.2.1 bugfix release, so it's
a good time to get this into the official Jython source code.

Also, feel free to modify http://wiki.python.org/jython/DjangoOnJython
, adding links to your posted patches or other reference material.

Oh, and thanks for the head up about my broken patch. I didn't made a
full build after doing it, so I didn't realized the problem.

Leo Soto M.

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