I'll throw in my 2 cents too:

I think machine based translation is iffy at best. I'm not the most
up-to-date on py3k, but I have experience with other such projects (I
wrote a Perl 5 to Perl 6 translator for Summer of Code 2006). This is
just my opinion, but I think it would be best for Django (and most
other python-based projects that are targeted at a large user bases)
to wait until python 3 hits a version where it has stabilized and then
do a port based on hand checking and modification of machine
translated code.

In general, the more versions of a language targeted by a project, the
less efficient the project is. I'd say py3k is a great chance to
'start clean' more or less: deprecate the python 2.x code and have
Django for python 3 be the official release.

Python 3 makes it easy to get the right version to the right people.
There will be one distribution for python 2.x and one for python 3.
Django currently supports so many versions of python because so many
are in use. Python 3 is a great opportunity to trim this down, make
development easier, and still have something to give those who cannot
or will not upgrade to python 3.

This is, after all, just my opinion. If you choose to go forward with
it, or if this gets accepted for Summer of Code, good luck with it, I
look forward to seeing what you produce.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Michael Radziej <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi,
>  I think that the pure process of porting Django is a good testcase for
>  python 3 and for 2to3. So, even if the resulting code could not be used,
>  the result would still be valuable to python. And that is also good for 
> Django!
>  Just my 2c,
>  Michael
>  >

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