On Sep 23, 1:06 am, Simon Willison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since all form.protect(response) actually does is ensure that there's
> a csrf cookie, you should only actually have to do it once for one of
> the forms.

Unsurprisingly, I've been totally over-engineering this. There's no
need for form.protect(response) at all - in fact, the form doesn't
need to have anything to do with the response object. This
dramatically simplifies things - in fact, it takes us back to the
original proposal of a SafeForm that just takes the request object as
an argument to its constructor.

CSRF attacks are a problem for systems where an action is only meant
to be available to a specific logged in user. This user is inevitably
identified by a unique cookie. This is normally a session cookie,
hence many CSRF protection mechanisms key their hidden form token off
the session cookie. That's also what Django's CSRF middleware does.

I like to be able to avoid sessions where possible, which is why I
didn't want SafeForm to use the session cookie and thought it would
need to set a cookie itself. But even if an application isn't using
sessions, it's still going to need to use one or more cookies that are
unique to the user.

I think we solve this with a setting, the default of which looks like


SafeForm creates its csrf_token based on a hash of the cookie values
for the keys in that list. It's a list because some authentication
cases may rely on more than one cookie to uniquely identify the user
(rare but possible). By default, it will use the Django session
cookie. If you're not using sessions in your app (you're using a
signed cookie called 'current_user' for example) you can specify that
in the CSRF_COOKIES session.

So, the bit about the SafeForm needing access to the response was a
red herring.


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