On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 4:03 PM, James Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 5:07 AM, Amit Upadhyay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Either this becomes a django standard, every code that might update
> database
> > on GET doing something like:
> >
> >         connection.use_master()
> >         try:
> >             ... # something that updates db
> >         finally:
> >             connection.revert()
> >
> > or we pray/discard this approach of scaling altogether.
> I love the smell of false dilemmas in the morning.

I was trying "reductio ad absurdum", the "existing solution" to the
"problem" I was presented with, leads to such absurdities, and therefore, my
"problem" still stands.

To reiterate, I am proposing: "avoid, and if not possible, document" for DB
updates in GET, are you really saying you are against this? Is your logical
position "encourage" or "don't care/document"?

A developer goes to the django-dev list and says, "Django devs, my
> application breaks when I assume that GET requests never do DB
> writes." So the Django devs say, "Well, then, stop assuming that!"

You have to make assumptions or/and read the source to evaluate any
solution. DB selection based on request method is the only obvious solution
I can come up with for scaling after exhausting caching options. Are you
ruling it out for django apps? If so what are the other solutions? If not,
should django not be a little accomodating about it?

I do not understand, when everywhere django tries so very hard in a
pragmatic sense to decouple things where it logically makes sense, then why
suddenly an ideological outburst of "because we are not violating any specs,
we refuse to even think".

I guess its difficult to make progress on this thread sans wiki/patches.
Lets revisit if/after I/someone come(s) up with something concrete.

Amit Upadhyay
Vakow! www.vakow.com

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