On Nov 16, 6:26 am, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thinkhttp://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/3357should be given
> another look at enabling optional multi-threading on the dev server.
> Jacob previously closed this ticket, noting the patch could introduce
> threading bugs, and would provide functionality too similar to that of
> a production environment.
> This is my rationale to accept this ticket:
> 1. Ajax is very common place, and often requires a multi-threaded
> server. The dev server is very convenient, but by not providing multi-
> threading support, we're preventing it from being even more useful.
> 2. Since multi-threading would be an optional setting, the default
> scenario would still be single-threaded and would not break anything.
> Only those specifically desiring multi-threading would subject
> themselves to any unforeseen bugs.
> 3. Fear of multi-threading bugs shouldn't be a reason to avoid multi-
> threading, especially when it could be very useful. We don't even know
> if there are multi-threading bugs. And even if there are, they can be
> fixed.
> Regards,
> Chris

I would second what David Cramer said. You don't need, in the general
case, need multi-threading on the server side for Ajax - it's really
about browser-side multi-threading. I'm not sure where your point 1
comes from: I use AJAX with the standard, single-threading development
server all the time, and I have not encountered any issues at all. I'd
say leave it as it is, unless of course you have encountered some
specific problem relating to the single-threaded nature of the server.
In that case, please post some details.

It's theoretically possible that with the server tied up with some
long-running request, the browser might time out before the server got
around to servicing an AJAX request which was next in line. However,
you should be able to configure client-side time-outs appropriately to
mitigate this.


Vinay Sajip
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