On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> We cannot know for sure what the file name is until it is saved to disk, as
> the save operation may tack on underscores when handling race conditions.
> Thus we cannot delay file save to a field pre_save routine and report the
> guaranteed correct file name in a pre_save signal handler, since the latter
> runs before the former.

Yes, very true. I wrote my reply in a hurry to get you some more
information, and didn't really think all the way through that one.

> I feel like I'm going around in circles thinking about this one -- is there
> a way out that someone else sees that I'm blind to?

Welcome to my world! :( I spent a long time on issues like this prior
to getting the new file storage system in place at first, and
apparently skipped much of that step when doing r9766. At this point,
I think the most useful approach is to take a step back and just look
at the high-level options we have available. Trying to determine the
name in advance is a no-go, because that would just make the existing
known race conditions much more prominent. I see two options left:

1. Write something to disk (maybe the whole file, as it was before,
maybe just a placeholder, as the _save() does now) when the file is
first assigned, so that we have a full, proper filename early on.
Then, if the model doesn't get saved, somehow roll that back so we
don't leave stuff lingering on the filesystem. This is currently
something of a "then some magic happens" approach, since I'm not yet
sure if there's a reasonable, reliable way to roll back a file save.
But I'd like to keep an open mind, so there it is. This would also be
preferable if we can detect transaction rollbacks, because there is
also #6456 to consider.

2. Save the file all at once, as soon as possible, and blatantly
document this behavior when model validation goes in. Then, if people
need to validate a model that has a file on it, they have two options:
validate the model *before* saving the file to it, so the model is
known to be valid and can all be saved at once, or (if they need to
validate something in the file, such as its name or contents), add
their own code to delete the file if validation fails. Or, I suppose a
third option is to ignore the lingering files until they suck up too
much space, requiring a manual purge.

I obviously hate to go with number 2, but if we can't come up with
something solid, I think it's the better approach, at least for now.
Documenting unfortunate behavior is certainly preferable to coding
even more unfortunate behavior.


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