About the initial problem that started this thread, the associated bug
number is #10948.

On Apr 6, 10:41 pm, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 1:56 PM, Marty Alchin <gulop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 1:16 PM, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I feel like I'm going around in circles thinking about this one -- is
> > there
> > > a way out that someone else sees that I'm blind to?
> > Welcome to my world! :( I spent a long time on issues like this prior
> > to getting the new file storage system in place at first, and
> > apparently skipped much of that step when doing r9766. At this point,
> > I think the most useful approach is to take a step back and just look
> > at the high-level options we have available. Trying to determine the
> > name in advance is a no-go, because that would just make the existing
> > known race conditions much more prominent. I see two options left:
> > 1. Write something to disk (maybe the whole file, as it was before,
> > maybe just a placeholder, as the _save() does now) when the file is
> > first assigned, so that we have a full, proper filename early on.
> > Then, if the model doesn't get saved, somehow roll that back so we
> > don't leave stuff lingering on the filesystem. This is currently
> > something of a "then some magic happens" approach, since I'm not yet
> > sure if there's a reasonable, reliable way to roll back a file save.
> > But I'd like to keep an open mind, so there it is. This would also be
> > preferable if we can detect transaction rollbacks, because there is
> > also #6456 to consider.
> I'm not seeing where exactly we have a _save() that writes just a
> placeholder?  The _save() in django.core.files.storage.FileSystemStorage
> writes the whole content, and I don't see any other _save as opposed to
> save() methods in the FileField area?
> > 2. Save the file all at once, as soon as possible, and blatantly
> > document this behavior when model validation goes in. Then, if people
> > need to validate a model that has a file on it, they have two options:
> > validate the model *before* saving the file to it, so the model is
> > known to be valid and can all be saved at once, or (if they need to
> > validate something in the file, such as its name or contents), add
> > their own code to delete the file if validation fails. Or, I suppose a
> > third option is to ignore the lingering files until they suck up too
> > much space, requiring a manual purge.
> > I obviously hate to go with number 2, but if we can't come up with
> > something solid, I think it's the better approach, at least for now.
> > Documenting unfortunate behavior is certainly preferable to coding
> > even more unfortunate behavior.
> What about:
> 3. Revert the removal of the FileField save_form_data override that was part
> of r9766.  It is that removal that is causing save() on a ModelForm to no
> longer save the file to disk.  If we restore it, names will get assigned for
> code using ModelForms just as they used to be.
> I am missing why the save_form_data override had to be removed in order to
> support the direct assignment of files to FileFields that is needed for
> model validation to work without the side-effect of model validation saving
> the file to disk.  I can see that it might be preferable, in general, to
> delay saving as long as possible so you don't wind up with files written to
> disk for models that are ultimately not saved to the DB.  But we didn't have
> that behavior in 1.0 -- model form save (even with commit=False), in 1.0.X,
> saves files to disk.  Trying to move the save later at this point, for the
> model form usage scenario, leads to backwards-compatibility problems.
> It's kind of ugly to have one form of model creation/assignment ( via model
> forms) save data early and a 2nd (assignment of files to FileFields) save
> data late, so I can see we might not want to do this.  But I thought I'd
> throw it out there.
> Reverting just that bit of r9766 also doesn't fix #10249 or #10300 which are
> resulting form the mixing in of FieldFile in the class bases.  It also
> doesn't fix #10404 in the case where someone uses the new
> assign-file-to-FileField without saving the field explicitly before the
> model.  So they'd still need fixing, but they seem more easily solved than
> this file name issue.
> Karen
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