Hi folks --

The EuroDjangoCon sprints have started, and we're hacking hard to get
1.1 out the door. Here's the plan:

I'm hard at work punting tickets out of the 1.1 milestone. It's tough
to do, but this is what time-based releases mean: sometimes you have
to ship with known issues.

Now, we can't ship with anything that actually causes data loss,
crashing of the server, or other Bad Things, but of the 90+ remaining
tickets a good percentage fall into the "really freeking annoying but
not all that bad" category: bugs with easy workarounds,
inconsistencies, or "it would be nice to..." type things. These are
getting punted to 1.2. If you disagree with me on any of these
decisions get in touch. I'll be in #django-dev and #django-sprint, or
bring it here. But please take a very jaundiced eye to anything in the
1.1 milestone; we need to get this done.

Once this is done we'll be down to blockers for 1.1; many of us at the
sprint are focusing on these. More help will be appreciated!

We're not setting a timeline for the 1.1 release because the remaining
blockers are, well, *blockers* and *have* to be fixed before we can
push a release out. But I'm really hoping that we can get a lot done
at the EDC sprints and over the weekend. Murphy willing, I'm hopeful
we can push a 1.1-rc1 next week. But no promises there: there are some
hard issues that have to be fixed, first.

How you can help: if you have some time over the next week please find
a 1.1 ticket that's not ready for commit, figure out what the next
step towards commit is, and take it.

Also: after 1.1 ships (and after we all have some sleep) we'll want to
have a postmortem and discuss how the release process worked and
didn't, and why we ended up so late. But please: let's hold off on
that until *after* we get this release out the door; navel-gazing
isn't productive right now.



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