On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 8:34 AM, Jacob Kaplan-Moss
<jacob.kaplanm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ugh, I really hate not being able to just assign files to fields. It
> just feels hacky and wrong to call instance.file_field.save(). It'll
> also break a bunch of code folks have written over the last few
> months. I know, no backwards-compat guarantee, but that's super
> annoying if we don't have to.

Yeah, I realize that. Just yesterday, somebody told me they already
refactored some code to take the new behavior into account, so I fully
appreciate that it'd be breaking an expectation that's already been
set for a few months.

> I've reviewed most of the open issues and it looks like they all have
> patches, so can't we just fix the problems and keep the feature?

I'm a bit concerned about the likelihood of getting them all addressed
in reasonable ways in time to not severely block the 1.1 release, but
I'll set aside some time this weekend to look at it all in more
detail. Karen's already done a good bit of legwork on several of
these, so hopefully the existing patches are better in combination
than I fear.


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