On Sep 26, 5:48 am, Rob Hudson <treborhud...@gmail.com> wrote:
> First, let's not let this turn into an argument about HTML vs XHTML.

Oops, sorry!

> People have their preference one way or the other, and I believe
> Django should be agnostic.

Completely agree - that's why I'm in favour of a Django doctype switch
rather than a fullscale switch to HTML 5.

> django-html Shortcomings:
> * Fixes the symptom, not the bug. [1]  I think the fix should not do
> string replacement, but output the correct HTML in the first place.
> (I realize this is the best one can hope for as a 3rd party app, but
> if something were to come into core it would have the ability to fix
> things properly.)

Yes - I looked briefly at how much work was involved in doing this and
it's not insubstantial, which is why I opted for string replacement
just to demonstrate the API. I'm confident the exact functionality of
django-html could be replicated in a less messy way by patching core,
but it would require quite a bit of refactoring of django.forms.

> * Doesn't "fix" the rest of the areas where Django outputs XHTML.  Is
> it possible?

I think the key problem is template filters, which often produce XHTML
(linebreaksbr for example). This could be solved by allowing template
filters selective access to the template context, which I'm in favour
of in the absence of a compelling argument against. This could be done
in a way that allows existing filters to continue to work - maybe
something as simple as this:

register.filter('cut', cut, takes_context=True)

Which emulates the register.inclusion_tag API.

> 2. Add a new setting, e.g. settings.DOCTYPE, that various parts of
> Django and 3rd party apps use to render HTML.
> Advantages:
> * Simple and straightforward
> Shortcomings:
> * Yet another setting
> * Doesn't allow for template level decisions of doctype by designers

Really not keen on that - designers should be able to pick their
doctype, and there are some cases where specific pages of a site (or
of a reusable app) might need to use a specific doctype - MathML
output still requires XHTML for example.

I've somewhat foolishly volunteered for a bunch of 1.2 related hacking
already (CSRF, logging, signing) but I remain actively interested in
this, so I'll try to keep an eye on things and see if there's anything
I can contribute.


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