On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Yuri Baburov <burc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That means,
>  1) perfect render_to_response should be lazy.

This isn't a new idea - Simon Willison has been proposing this general
idea for a while. He's been talking specifically about making template
rendering lazy, so you can use middleware or wrapper views to modify
the template or the contents of the context that is used for
rendering, right up until the response is served back to the user.
There is some working code here:


> Of course there's direct_to_template. Don't know how that happened
> that it appeared instead of enhancing render_to_response...
> Can be that no one knows why it has happened so?

Easy - direct_to_response is a generic view, not a template utility.
It's designed to be the simplest possible generic view - the view that
renders a template with some interpreted context. The internal
processing done by direct_to_response (evaluating callables, etc) is
driven entirely by its intended use case - deployment in urls.py.

The fact that it can be used as a substitute for render_to_response is
mostly an accident of the intentionally simple contract for a view -
that it accepts a request as it's first argument, and returns a
response. As is regularly noted on django-users and in various books,
you can easily write view functions that wrap generic views to do
pre-processing on view arguments before passing those arguments to the
generic view. Using direct_to_response as a replacement for
render_to_response is really just the ultimate extension of this

> Well, generally, I use to think that everything related to "django
> views in general" constantly lacks devs attention.
> Like it's perfect since long time ago. Or it is just too boring topic,
> or API stability contract tied their hands, or just everyone get used
> to it...

Part of the problem here is betrayed by your choice of phrase - that
views are "lack(ing) devs attention". The core developers aren't here
to do your bidding. We work on the issues that we see as important -
recently, that means we've been busy trying to get features like model
validation and multi-db support into trunk.

Views might not be perfect, and they might be able to work better, but
they _work_. If you disagree, then *you* need to solve it. Remember -
Django is open source. We'll take submissions from anyone. You just
need to demonstrate to us that your ideas are sound and your
implementation is robust.

Russ Magee %-)

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