On Jan 7, 7:33 pm, Russell Keith-Magee <freakboy3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> then my understanding of your proposal is that the only change is that
> read-slave won't get created under the test setup. But doesn't that
> mean that::
>     MyModel.objects.using('read-slave').filter(...)
> will fall over?

No, not in my mental image of the setup.  Take the following,

DEFAULT_ENGINE = 'postgresql_psycopg2'
DEFAULT_NAME = 'my_database'

    'default': {
    'read_slave': {
        'TEST_NAME': None,

So the important thing here is that 'read_slave' *is* defined, but in
my local test settings it uses the same `DATABASE_NAME' (and host,
user, password, port) as my `default'.  The `TEST_NAME = None' change
will simply allow me to get past the error caused when `read_slave'
tries to drop and create a database that `default' has an open session
to (it just dropped and created itself, after all).

Now in code like,


That should be a valid connection (`DATABASES['read_slave']') but it's
actually connecting to the exact same DB as `default', so a filter
should find objects created on `default', just like you'd imagine in a
real world read-slave setup.

Does that make more sense?  There's really nothing magic going on
here, it's only a matter of telling it not to drop/create the DB.  I
think maybe `TEST_NAME = None' could be confusing?  I didn't mean to
imply that the alias wasn't properly setup and functional.

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