On Feb 7, 11:58 pm, "j...@jeffcroft.com" <j...@jeffcroft.com> wrote:
> You're right, Idan. Sorry if I steered it off-track! I sent Wilson a
> message asking him to check out this thread.

Awesome, thanks!

> I think we first need to make sure we ARE going forward with this
> whole "design czar" idea. Neither Alex nor Russ sounded particularly
> keen on the idea (saying basically, "what's wrong with our existing
> process?"), so I think we've got to have buy-in on the whole idea
> before we can go about figuring out how to pick a person or team.

Correct, hence my call for more core devs to chime in.

I understand a default position of skepticism from Alex/Russ. It
doesn't sound like anybody tried to approach this subject with the
requisite amount of professional rigor, or maybe it was one of those
things that stayed low on the priority list because nobody
demonstrated sufficient critical mass/interest. I  suspect that now
might be the right time to give some attention to this part of the
framework. Part of allaying the concerns of the core devs is
demonstrating that we care enough about this to not lose interest when
a core dev says "meh".

I'm not advocating harassing the devs, but I do think that doing a
little speculative homework and coming up with a rough plan will go a
long way towards demonstrating that this isn't a fickle flight of
fancy, but something we really think deserves consideration. I'm
hoping that Alex/Russ will warm to the idea once a little meat is
hanging on the bones of the thing.


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