Thanks for looking into this Russ

> Firstly, django-dev isn't "second tier tech support" - if you don't
> get an answer on django-users for a user-space question, that's a
> pity, but it doesn't mean you can or should "escalate" to django-dev.

I realise this; I thought this was the place to discuss potential
bugs, but thought I'd better throw some sanity checks out elsewhere
before I did.

> Doesn't look like a bug. Subclassing AuthenticationForm works for me,
> and I can't find any way to make your test case fail in the way you
> describe.

I thought I was going crazy when I tried again just now and couldn't
reproduce it myself! Thankfully I tracked the problem down to
importing django via a symlink in the project directory to the
appropriate version. If I remove the symlink and let it import django
from elsewhere in the pythonpath, it works as expected.

    $ cat
    from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm
    from django import forms

    class MyForm(AuthenticationForm):
        extra_field = forms.BooleanField()

    print MyForm().fields.keys()
    $ ./ validate
    ['username', 'password', 'extra_field']
    0 errors found
    $ ln -s /media/d/Development/django/django-trunk/django/
    $ ./ validate
    ['username', 'password']
    0 errors found

Odd. I've never encountered any other problems when using a local
symlink to django; everything else seems to operate fine.

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