
On May 26, 4:52 pm, Ivan Sagalaev <man...@softwaremaniacs.org> wrote:
> Could you please give a concise technical overview, in high-level terms,
> on what twod.wsgi actually does to Django code?

Sure. There are different components, so I'll elaborate on them

Paste Deploy application factory instead of `manage runserver'

The problem with running the application in development mode is that
there's no way to add WSGI middleware, it's like Django assumes that
you'd only need WSGI middleware on deployment.

Therefore I think we should either adopt Paste Script's development
server (which makes your app behave like it'd do under mod_wsgi, for
example; with no Django-specific magic) or implement a development
server that serves the WSGI application you give it (which could be
wrapped around WSGI middleware, or it could not even be a Django

I'd prefer sticking to Paste Script's server because it's multi-
threaded and we could *optionally* use Paste Deploy configuration
files, instead of Python files for configuration:

(And one of the advantages of using INI files for configuration
instead of Python code is that it's a lot easier to extend:

Better request objects

There are two problems with Django's request objects from a WSGI point
of view:

- It copies the WSGI environment variables. That makes
interoperability with WSGI libraries harder or not possible at all,
because the request can be changed but the WSGI environ wouldn't be
modified, and vice versa, if the WSGI environ is modified the request
wouldn't be updated.
- It doesn't expose an API to handle most of the properties of a
request -- only the most common ones.

WebOb's request object is a better proxy of the WSGI environ from my
point of view, which is why I think Django's request object should
extend it. It doesn't have the problems above and it has more

I've managed to sub-class both WebOb.Request and Django's HttpRequest
without breaking backwards compatibility.

Embedded WSGI applications

At present there's no built-in mechanism to run WSGI applications from
Django. Doing so could be extremely powerful and useful in some
situations, because it gives you the ability to filter the request
another application receives, and the response it returns -- Using
request and response objects, respectively.

And by "WSGI" application, I mean pretty much *any* Web application.
Java applications, PHP applications, a Web site like www.google.com.
Anything, thanks to 3rd party WSGI applications that can run CGI
scripts and proxies, for example:

So, if you have, say, a Trac instance running on your Web site, you
can make it use Django's authentication data for the current user, and
authenticate users with your own Django-powered login form, and log
users out from Django, and many other things. Check this sample Django
application that implements a Single Sign-On mechanism with Trac:

URL routing arguments support

>From the manual <http://packages.python.org/twod.wsgi/manual/routing-

"routing_args  is an extension to the WSGI standard which normalises
the place to put the arguments found in the URL. This is particularly
useful for 3rd party WSGI libraries and the dispatching components in
Web frameworks are expected to set it, but Django does not: Therefore
we created the RoutingArgsMiddleware  Django middleware.

If you requested the path /blog/posts/hello-world/comments/3, then the
arguments hello-world and 3 will be available in the request object.
Depending on how you defined your URL patterns, they’ll be a
dictionary (if you used named groups) or a tuple (if you didn’t set
names for the matching groups). The former are referred to as “named
arguments” and the later as “positional arguments” in routing_args

RoutingArgsMiddleware simply puts the arguments found by the Django
URL resolver in the request object. It’s such a simple thing, but it’s
key for Django-independent libraries, which may not be run in the
context of a Django middleware nor a Django view."

Serving static files (aka "media")

Letting a WSGI application serve static files on development servers
is better because it's faster (given that Django won't get run) and
more importantly, Django doesn't serve the media on deployment after

See: http://packages.python.org/twod.wsgi/manual/media-apps.html

That's it, AFAIR. Please let me know what you think.


PS: Trust me, that's just the tip of the iceberg ;-)

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