On Jul 29, 8:09 pm, Tobias McNulty <tob...@caktusgroup.com> wrote:
> For whatever it's worth, my sense is that there are a number of these types
> of third party apps out there, and no single one is a clear winner.

I would have to respectfully disagree - FileBrowser is far and away
the clear winner. There are no viable alternatives that I can find (if
someone can point one out, I'm all ears).

>  Furthermore, I don't really see what adding file management to contrib
> gives us (it seems to work just fine as a third party app),

... except that it's not working just fine (because of this dependency
on Grappelli).

> and I'd hate to
> see innovation stifled at this stage by including one of the implementations
> in contrib.

I definitely agree in principle about not stifling innovation. But at
the same time, one of the important jobs of a framework is to handle
tasks that are common to many web sites. I'd say that file management
falls into that category.  But I certainly won't press on this if the
developers disagree.

On Jul 29, 8:28 pm, Russell Keith-Magee <russ...@keith-magee.com>

> That said - I *would* be interested in any proposal to improve the
> interface that contrib.admin provides so would make it easier to plug
> in external features such as a file browser. If django-filebrowser has
> become dependent on Grapelli, I presume this was to leverage some
> benefit of Grapelli that Django's native admin wasn't providing. To
> me, this points at a deficiency in Django's admin that should be
> addressed.

The author stated the reason in a ticket once but  I'm having trouble
finding it. It was along the lines of what you're saying here. I'll
post something and see if I can get details on exactly what he was
trying to overcome.

Thanks for the feedback.


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