On Nov 17, 9:16 am, Tai Lee <real.hu...@mrmachine.net> wrote:
> I believe that only the reporter, owner, and CCs are notified when an
> update is made, not anyone who added a comment.

I am quite sure this hasn't been my experience. I often receive email
notifications from Trac about changes to tickets that I have commented
on, but not added myself to CC on.

> I think there needs to be more ownership of tickets and a more direct
> way to make it clear to reporter, reviewer, and any other interested
> parties, in whose court the ball lies for the next steps to be taken.
> Similar to the way major features need to be championed by at least
> one core committer, I'd like to see more of a mentorship type scenario
> between reporter and reviewer, sort of like remote pair programming,
> to avoid stagnation.

I think that's a good goal. I'm not sure there are technical changes
to be made to encourage it; it's a matter of communication. I'm pretty
much always in the IRC channel and I read the mailing list; if there's
a ticket I've offered feedback on, and action has been taken on the
feedback, and I'm not getting around to the next steps in a timely
way, I'm quite receptive to being pinged about it here or in IRC.
Can't promise that'll mean I look at it right now, but at least I can
communicate my plans more clearly.

I don't think there's any way round the fact that with so many issues
to address, and limited time to address them, it requires some
initiative and persistence from the ticket reporter/owner to keep
moving a specific ticket forward; sometimes that will involve actively
reminding a member of the core team that the issue is in our court.

There's also the release cycle issue Russ mentioned. While I don't
think the release cycle timeframe should ever be used to discourage
someone from bringing something up for discussion, or working on it,
it still is going to have an impact on core team priorities. With an
alpha or beta release looming, I'm going to focus on new features that
need to go in before that deadline; I know there'll be time after the
beta to commit bugfixes. I'm sure I could do a better job of
communicating that to ticket owners/reporters in specific cases.


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