On 13/11/10 16:52, Daniel Moisset wrote:
    while working on the sprint today doing triaging we noticed that a
lot of tickets were in the "Unreviewed" state because actually there's
not enough information to move it to any other state (they can not be
neither accepted/DDNd nor closed). In most cases we sent a reply back
to the submitter asking for more details about their problem, but the
ticket remains in the "Unreviewed" state, still taking the time of
other triagers looking for tickets to review.

Many projects have a "need information" state to report this
situation. I think adding this to the ticket state diagram [1] would
be helpful for triagers, and to developers reviewing the ticket list
and wanting to know how many tickets actually need to be looked at
before a release.

What are the thoughts of the core team on this?

We have this on the South trac, and it helps me greatly in filtering views to just tickets that need my attention/responses instead of just getting confronted with "all open tickets". You can also set it up so the default action once you're in infoneeded is to move out of it, so it shouldn't even cause more work for responders as they have to change the state back - it just does.

I'm +1 on adding this, but that's definitely biased by the fact that it makes the two Tracs I use on a regular basis more similar.


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