For the project which I plan to use this is such that all sites could
share same INSTALLED_APPS, but it would be truly awesome if full
settings were possible for each site.

On Jan 26, 5:10 pm, Lorenzo Gil Sanchez
<> wrote:
> I suggest to have a look to since they have solved
> this problem a long time ago.

Hey thanks!

Here is the relevant code (in order of discovery):
(see load_site_config)
(some dynamic settings stuff)

Although I would love to see per request settings object, but this is
not a way to go. I mean (judging fast) it seems like their
implementation is not thread safe: On each request it patches the
settings object with own stuff. If the request is not fully served
until next request comes, the settings object might get mangled too

On the other hand if all code were to use get_settings(request=None)
instead of django.conf.settings that could work. If we are not trying
to achieve thread safeness, then probably one could open up enough
workers so that each django instance would serve single request at a

Maybe they don't use multithreading in reviewboard?

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