We have the following constraints:

1. Django supports class-based views.

2. Django supports function-based views (ultimately these are the same
thing, which is that Django supports anything as a 'view' so long as
it's callable, accepts an HttpRequest as its first positional argument
when being called and either returns an HttpResponse or raises an

3. The natural way to add processing in/around a class is subclassing
and either overriding or mixing in.

4. The natural way to add processing in/around around a function is decorating.

Any solution to this needs to address those constraints, and allow
code to look and feel natural.

Based on that, some arrangement which allows the same basic logic to
exist in a "mixin" (I dislike that word) for classes and a decorator
for functions seems most appropriate, even if it does mean having two
ways to do things -- that's a distinction I think we can live with, as
people will appreciate that it doesn't result in strange-looking code.

"Bureaucrat Conrad, you are technically correct -- the best kind of correct."

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