
  Thanks for the feedback.  I quite like the explicit 'STATIC_URL' only 
approach, although I think a lot of users would still run into a problem 
there, because 'request' isn't also added in explicitly to the Context...

  For context, my particular use case is a simple '500.html' template, that 
extends a 'base.html' template.  I don't use any other context in the base 
template other than 'request' and 'STATIC_URL'.  In the case of a 500 error, 
I'd see the template render correctly, except that it'd look like the user 
isn't logged in.  Coming across that as a dev that'd confuse the hell out of 
me the first time I came across it unless I already understood the 500 
Context behavior, and it's not ideal from the end-user perspective either.

  I'd imagine that plenty of other setups would have a similar setup, so you 
could argue that returning this:

Context({'STATIC_URL': settings.STATIC_URL, 'request': request})

would be an okay thing to do in the default 500 handler.

  Personally I think that'd probably be absolutely fine (and the most 
sensible default 500 view), although the obvious counter argument is that 
that's getting into the realms of special-case, rather than default-case. 
 (That's not my opinion, but it'd be a valid argument.)

  What do you reckon?



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