On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 6:21 PM, Russell Keith-Magee <russ...@keith-magee.com
> wrote:

> I don't consider it a bug
> that Django exposes a database error in this case.

I didn't hear what sounded like a database error in this case. The original
note says:

Upon attempting to save, you'll receive an error message stating,
"Production with this Person and Title already exists."

That sounds like pre-save validation refusing to attempt to save because it
believes an IntegrityError will be raised. I haven't checked the code but I
wouldn't be surprised if the unique validation works by checking for an
existing dupe among the other submitted/modified inlines and the db,
excluding just the pk of what it is currently attempting to verify will not
be a dupe with its new values. That approach would flag this direct swap
case as a validation error.

Whether that's a bug, I'm not convinced.

While it is true that the final state here won't violate the unique
together constraint, the intermediate state of getting there, given initial
state, WILLL violate the unique together constraint. There's no way (I
don't think, though I could be wrong) for the unique checking code to know
if current to final state is going to be done in a single transaction (nor
whether the DB in use is going to support deferring the constraint checking
to the end of the transaction). Seems to me safest thing for the unique
validation code to do is raise the validation error here.


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