On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 9:01 AM, Anssi Kääriäinen
<anssi.kaariai...@thl.fi> wrote:
> On Apr 12, 10:27 pm, Anssi Kääriäinen <anssi.kaariai...@thl.fi> wrote:
>> > So perhaps we do need the signal inheritance behavior to be opt-in when
>> > connecting the signal handler. I think I'd like to see a deprecation
>> > path so that eventually the inheritance behavior is the default, and you
>> > have to opt out of it, as I think in most cases it's the desired behavior.
>> Unfortunately this seems to be the only backwards compatible way
>> forward. I don't know how to do the technical details... from
>> __future__ import pre_save? :)
> Could we force the caller to define the wanted signal inheritance mode
> when .connect() is called? The inherit mode must be one of True,False
> or None. Default of None means no inheritance (as now) but it will be
> deprecated.

I took a swing at a similar implementation here:
(Tracking branch: https://github.com/votizen/django/tree/virtual_signals )

I haven't tried to address performance yet, but I've read all of
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/16679 and think it's possible to
keep sane overhead.

> Another problem is that delete fires the same signal multiple times in
> the inheritance chain. We can't remove the parent signal for backwards
> compatibility reasons, nor can we fire them as then inheriting
> listeners will see the delete signals multiple times.

I think I solved this my the simple expedient of seen_receivers here:
Basically we can group up the receivers so that they are fired at most once.

> Another option is to continue as currently: model signals aren't
> handled coherently, and there is no signal inheritance. Django users
> have managed to survive thus far with the current signals
> implementation, so maybe it doesn't need fixing?

I'm less of a fan of signals than I used to be, but I think this line
of reasoning is wrong - mostly people don't notice when their signal
handlers are doing the wrong thing.  The lack of visibility makes it
difficult.  I have definitely seen bugs caused by this misbehavior.

(I'm not in favor of removing signals entirely, for what it's worth -
I still don't see a better way in some cases - but I do think more
visibility would be useful.)

> Any opinions on the above transition phase  idea? Other ideas? Is the
> "define signal inheritance on connect" the wanted behavior in 1.7 or
> should it be something else?

I think this is the right approach - but I'm not sure why you said
"1.7" here.  You mean 1.5 or done with the deprecation path by 1.7?

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