On Wednesday, January 2, 2013 11:58:04 PM UTC, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 1:56 AM, Malcolm Box <mal...@tellybug.com<javascript:>
> > wrote:
>> Hi,
>> When creating self.client in TestCase, it would be very useful if the 
>> testcase instance was passed to the client. 
>> I'm using a replacement client class that does various validation checks, 
>> so wants to use assert* functions on TestCase, thus takes a testcase 
>> instance as a parameter at creation time. However this means it can't be 
>> used as the client_class attribute on TestCase, as this is instantiated 
>> with no parameters (
>> https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/django/test/testcases.py#L475
>> )
>> There are work-arounds, but it feels to me like a reasonably generic 
>> requirement that a test client may want to refer to the test case it's 
>> being used with. I think the change can be made largely backwardly 
>> compatible by changing to:
>> self.client = self.client_class(testcase=self)
>> which would only break an existing replacement client class that had an 
>> __init__ method without **kwargs.
>> I'm happy to code this up, but wanted to check for any objections first.
> Personally, I'm suspicious of any "A owns B, but B knows about A" 
> relationships. There are certainly occasions when they're required, but 
> whenever they pop up, it's generally an indication of a set of interfaces 
> that are closely coupled.

> In this case, I'm not sure I see why this coupling is required. A test 
> case is a test case. A test client is a test client. Their concerns are 
> completely separate (evidenced by the fact that you can have a test case 
> without any client usage, and vice versa). I very much see the test client 
> as a utility tool for the test case -- really not much more than a 
> convenient factory for requests -- not an integral part of a test case. 
I don't disagree - and this feature wouldn't require any test client to 
care about the testcase. 

Your feature request seems to be stem entirely from the fact that you want 
> to invoke assertions in the test client code itself -- something that 
> you're doing because you've got a bunch of extensions in your test client. 
> I'll leave it up to you to determine if this is the right approach for your 
> own project, but I'm not convinced it's a general requirement that warrants 
> binding the test client to the test case. 

The general pattern I want to implement is have a test client that makes 
assertions about all the requests made during a set of tests. For example, 
it could check that every get() returned cache headers, or that 
content_type is always specified in responses. Or that the response has 
certain HTML, uses certain templates etc - ie all of the assertion testing 
goodness in django.test.TestCase.

My concrete use case is a JSONClient that adds a json_get / json_post 
methods which makes sure to setup content_type etc on the call, and then 
validates that what came back was valid JSON.

The simple, wrong way is to do:

def check_response(self, response):
   self.assertContains(response, ....)

def test():
   r = self.client.get(...)

but this is error prone, verbose etc etc. 

The right thing is that within a test suite, the get()/post() etc to do the 
checks for me - and so it should be possible to create a testclient that 
does this, and be able to use this testclient in various test suites.

Is there a simple, clean way to solve this that I'm missing?


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