I'm re-opening an old discussion - 
Sorry if it all comes out weird, I'm having to do it in Google Groups.

I propose maintaining a repository of the Polls tutorial code, with each 
branch representing the state of the code at the end of each tutorial.

I realise that there is a danger that people might be tempted simply to 
checkout the code rather than type it in, following all the useful steps 
and mis-steps that the tutorial provides, but at the same time it would 
have other significant advantages that it would be a shame to forego just 
in order to save people from temptation, especially if they are strongly 
warned against it.

The advantages:

A learner likely won't just follow the steps in the tutorial, but will also 
want to play and experiment, and break things. It will make for a better 
learning experience if that's possible with the safety-net of being able to 
return to a known good state. 

In particular, it will make it easier for the learner to reset their 
tutorial code so that they can go on to the next tutorial after playing 
freely with it. And sometimes, it might be weeks or months later that they 
want to do part five, or go back to have a look at some particular thing in 
it from an earlier stage.

It will help the documentation writers. It's difficult to build on the work 
in the tutorial if it's not easy to get where it was. For example, a new 
tutorial could use the Polls application to tackle logging or static files 
- which is what I would like to start doing now - but it's quite a bore to 
have to go through all the steps in all the previous tutorials just so you 
can start writing it.

I think it would be worthwhile having an official repository for this 



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