On Mar 10, 2013, at 7:11 PM, Ian Kelly <ian.g.ke...@gmail.com> wrote:

> #20015 looks like an expected failure.  Oracle supports lookups of
> date fields using strings by implicitly converting the string to a
> date.  The test is doing a startswith lookup that is going to produce
> sql that looks something like "WHERE date_column LIKE '2008%'".

If you have a date type, stick to a date type.  Converting to a varchar to run 
a like query is counterproductive. If one is looking for a date, just look for 
a date, e.g. ' extract( year from date_column ) = 2008 ' or such.

Otherwise, you must explicitly convert the date to a specific varchar format, 
e.g. . to_char( date_column, 'YYYYMMDD' ) like '2008%'

If you are not explicit, the session NLS format is applied, with unpredictable 

> That's not going to work because Oracle can't convert '2008%' into a
> date.  So the test here is testing that the
> 'supports_date_lookup_using_string' feature is more comprehensive than
> Oracle actually supports.

Such string to date conversion depends on the session NSL settings if not 

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