On 05/13/2013 01:16 PM, Anders Steinlein wrote:
On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 2:06  AM, Russell Keith-Magee <russ...@keith-magee.com> 
> Looking for a positive outcome here -- my question to the community, and especially those that feel that we've been unresponsive here: how do we improve the situation?
> I've been lurking on this thread (and list in general for that matter), and thought I'd throw in my $.02 as someone interested in, but not (yet) involved in, development of Django itself.
> I very much understand the policy of having discussions on the mailing list (particularly in the view of duplicate/related tickets), but I also see (and sometimes myself feel) the frustration OP brought up.
> Why allow comments on tickets at all when discussions are meant to happen here? I understand the need to comment on the specifics of patches/doing reviews, but from a (new) user's point of view, those are just comments like any other. When some comments are welcome, but others are not, how are new user's supposed to know where to discuss what?
> How about allowing comments only from the patch author and committers? With a big fat informational text in place of the add comment section? How about adding a button/link directly to the Google Group with "open for discussion" or some such? Just throwing out some ideas here.
> Regards,
> Anders
> --

Perhaps a good rule would be: if you ask someone to raise the issue on
mailing list, a link to the google group page must always be given in
the same comment. It's reasonably easy and it's a lot more inviting to
give the link vs. "There's a mailing list out there somewhere, go and
find it, why don't you?" -ak

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