I've been thinking about this a little bit more, and it seems that the
design approach of validating on save() is not entirely correct.

For example, say you have a validator that ensures a field must be at least
4 characters long, and a few months later the validation is then changed to
be 5 characters long. This means any save() call on that field (which may
include a modification to a field which is unrelated to the change being
made) will then stop that save from happening. By applying the validation
at the model level, you are then potentially invalidating data inside your
models. This is fine for forms, because it can be handled at the user side
(by returning a form error saying X field is incorrect), but would cause
problems at the model layer.

I think by design it would be very wrong to validate the model fields at
the point of save(), despite seeming like it would be the correct thing to

Could someone please verify if I have come to the correct conclusion here?


On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 4:43 PM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] <
cal.leem...@simplicitymedialtd.co.uk> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to understand why field validators (model.full_clean()) are
> not called for model.save()
> I've spent about an hour reviewing all the discussions/replies on this
> subject;
> http://www.xormedia.com/django-model-validation-on-save/
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4441539/why-doesnt-djangos-model-save-call-full-clean
> https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/13100
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/django-developers/uIhzSwWHj4c
> From what I can tell this was rejected on the basis of breaking backwards
> compatibility.
> It is unclear whether this would have been desired behavior had backwards
> compatibility not been an issue.
> It also seems to me that it would be possible to maintain backwards
> compatibility by using settings flags to determine the default behavior,
> albeit at the cost of increased complexity.
> So I have four questions;
> 1) Without taking backwards compatibility into consideration, is it
> reasonable to expect field validation automatically upon calling
> model.save()
> 2) At what point would Django devs be willing to break backwards
> compatibility? Would this be considered on 2.x, or is it life time?
> 3) Could backwards compatibility not be maintained by means of a flag in
> settings? For example, settings.MODEL_VALIDATE_ON_SAVE=True would cause the
> validation to be handled using the new approach?
> 4) Assuming this cannot/will not be implemented, what would be the most
> suitable workaround? Are there any risks in calling full_clean() without
> ever using ModelForm? Should ModelForm always be used instead of using a
> model directly? etc.
> Any comments/feedback would be much appreciated, I am also happy to spend
> time updating docs to reflect responses in this thread.
> Thanks
> Cal

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