On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 11:43 PM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] <
cal.leem...@simplicitymedialtd.co.uk> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to understand why field validators (model.full_clean()) are
> not called for model.save()
> I've spent about an hour reviewing all the discussions/replies on this
> subject;
> http://www.xormedia.com/django-model-validation-on-save/
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4441539/why-doesnt-djangos-model-save-call-full-clean
> https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/13100
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/django-developers/uIhzSwWHj4c
> From what I can tell this was rejected on the basis of breaking backwards
> compatibility.
> It is unclear whether this would have been desired behavior had backwards
> compatibility not been an issue.
> It also seems to me that it would be possible to maintain backwards
> compatibility by using settings flags to determine the default behavior,
> albeit at the cost of increased complexity.
> So I have four questions;
> 1) Without taking backwards compatibility into consideration, is it
> reasonable to expect field validation automatically upon calling
> model.save()

Yes. Based on the original discussions (as I recall them), this wasn't in
question -- the problem was entirely backwards compatibility.

> 2) At what point would Django devs be willing to break backwards
> compatibility? Would this be considered on 2.x, or is it life time?

Well… ideally never. :-)

Pragmatically, we will make backwards compatible changes as long as there's
a clear migration path. The version number isn't something to get hung up
on; I'm not expecting 2.0 to be a "massive change" release in the same way
that Python 3.0 was. If we can get the solution right, we'll just do it,
not wait for a particular version number.

The approach we've taken to backwards incompatibility issues is to
introduce them slowly -- to provide lots of warnings that something is
going to change, provide opt-in for those that want to migrate, and ensure
that all new projects use the new behaviour. The change to the {% url %}
tag, for example, has taken almost 4 years to complete, which has given
everyone plenty of time to adapt.

3) Could backwards compatibility not be maintained by means of a flag in
> settings? For example, settings.MODEL_VALIDATE_ON_SAVE=True would cause the
> validation to be handled using the new approach?

Historically, we're not wild on introducing new settings, especially for
behaviour changes. However, we obviously need to have a way to flag 'use
the new behaviour'. The only other option I can think of would be a Meta
flag on individual models, but that obviously makes it difficult to turn on
the feature project-wide.

4) Assuming this cannot/will not be implemented, what would be the most
> suitable workaround? Are there any risks in calling full_clean() without
> ever using ModelForm? Should ModelForm always be used instead of using a
> model directly? etc.

At the simplest level, rewriting Model.save() to invoke Model.full_clean()
should be all the workaround you need.

As for risks - none that I can think of. Model validation is independent of
the forms framework; you can use model validation without ever using

Russ Magee %-)

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