To hopefully add to this conversation:

I'll start by saying I've enjoyed the contributions by Andrew over the years 
and believe he is a most excellent developer.

A couple months ago, around the same time that JKM started Andrew's repo (which 
is what got my attention) I decided to give Channels a try. I had a quick 
honeymoon with it because I had been working on a game and was using aiohttp. 
aiohttp provides support for websockets but doesn't manage relationships 
between them, which makes it hard to do anything without building a layer in 
between your app and the web. This layer ends up being somethings like 
Channels. Channels basically accomplished what I needed, which I was ecstatic 

The honeymoon ended when I started using Channels to experiment on my local 
machine. The notion that I would now have to use a data store to run my app at 
all didn't feel right, even though I knew there would need to be data stored to 
maintain relationships between websockets, etc. I was disheartened when I 
learned Channels was potentially going to be merged into Django, because I 
finally got to that realization of the fact that there wasn't a "right way" to 
include baked-in web sockets behind a web server, only to find out that 
Channels was going to be called the "right way", forever (potentially).

So, let me ask a question: how many of the past 5 paid projects you worked on 
required websockets? For me, and for most of the people I know (not many), the 
answer is 0. I can think of a use case where it would have been nice (the "how 
many other users are viewing this page" feature, which we accomplished with 
slow Ajax polling), but I can think of nothing critical.

I ask that question because a good argument came up earlier, a comparison to 
NoSQL. NoSQL was in the same must-have craze, and then the tried and true 
standard in Django (Postgres) sort of answered that with huge gains in 
performance and scalability. Competition is great for this reason, but merging 
in competion is sort of like a business acquiring innovative. competitors as 
they emerge; it doesn't do much to further the company's true vision, because 
it's a defensive move.

I would recommend against merging Channels now, and potentially ever; not 
because it's not great code, but because A) it isn't necessary for the core, B) 
leaving it out of the core doesn't prevent it from being used, and C) it should 
be proven over time as an outside package (a different way of solving this 
could come by and proliferate while we have Channels in core, and then Django 
would be heading back down that hill towards the bloat (e.g., contrib) it 
worked so hard to remove over the years - not that Django was ever *truly* 

What I would recommend is that we focus on fixing/abstracting/documenting 
things that make it hard to integrate something like Channels (e.g., things 
that Andrew has to monkey patch, etc.), because Channels *and* a hypothetical 
future websockets package could both take advantage of such an abstraction 

Political tirade follows:

Another thing I would never recommend is letting a grant destroy Django's 
ability to make a decision on its own. It absolutely disgusts me to think of 
Django becoming like Firefox, with "features" like Pocket and Hello that are 
driven by financial or political desires. Django should continue to look 
unemotionally at feature requests without regard for sunk cost fallacy (e.g., 
"<developer> already spent X time working on this...", etc.).

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