Hello everyone,

my name is Antonio, I'm using Django 1.9 and first of all I'd like to thank you all contributors for the amazing framework I can work with.

I've just joined the django-dev mailing list to ask your opinion on a really trivial patch I thought implementing.

Our backend server has with several apps: each app has its own test package; each test package has several modules; each module has several classes that has several methods.

In short, when we need to run tests we rarely run:

$ python manage.py test mydjangoapp.app_one.tests

More likely we run:

$ python manage.py test \

This happens especially when we need to investigate a regression, we need to do a lot of writing because single tests are failing and we just need to run that very test.

So I thought that it could be very useful a shortcut to get to the "test_method_1" without writing the full CamelCased namespace all the way down there.

I hacked together as proof a patch that adds an optional parameter to the Django Command test.py:

$ python manage.py test --method-filter test_method_1

this can be a comma separated list of methods:

$ python manage.py test --method-filter test_method_1,test_method_2,...

Basically this patch rewrites the TestSuite object created in DiscoverRunner.run_test(), filtering out method names that do not match that list. Of course in case of name clashes two test methods from different apps will run, but I don't find it an issue as we give meaningful names to test methods. Also, there are many ways that such a check could be implemented to give it flexibility (albeit simple).

So far I find it quite useful, but maybe because this patch solves a very narrow use case (mine :-)) but I would like to know if 1) I missed an already implemented way for such thing and if not 2) would you be interested in a pr with such a patch.

Thanks for your comments, thoughts, suggestions, etc.
Sorry for the long post.


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