On 09/08/2016 11:31 PM, Ivan Sagalaev wrote:
> I'm not familiar with the current deprecation policy in Django. If you
> can point me to it, I could probably carve some time in the nearby
> future and prepare a pull request.

Here is the deprecation policy:

As it applies to this case, basically we need to ensure that people's
existing logging config continues to function as it does now in the next
release of Django. If they need to make updates to their settings in
order to preserve the same logging behavior, we need a deprecation
warning raised that will alert them to to the need for this change (and
they should be able to silence the deprecation warning by making the
needed change).

I think there's probably some wiggle room in the definition of
"continues to function as it does now." As you pointed out, it's
probably OK if a logger that someone has currently silenced with
disable_existing_loggers=True starts giving output in the next version -
at least that's a change that they are likely to notice and can deal
with as desired. (It should still be noted in the release notes). But
it's a big problem if someone were to silently stop getting logging
output that they currently get.


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