On Thursday, 5 January 2017 04:15:31 UTC, Carl Meyer wrote:
> Hi Tim, 
> On 01/04/2017 03:39 PM, Tim Martin wrote: 
> > 1) There are test cases where we have templates that should treat "x 
> >    is y" as True where x and y are both undefined. 
> Really? Is this an accidental side effect of some historical change, or 
> really the intent of the test? That behavior seems buggy to me; more 
> likely to be a bug-magnet than useful. 

There are a couple of test cases in test_if.py: 
test_if_is_both_variables_missing and 
test_if_is_not_both_variables_missing. These are verifying this specific 
case, so they haven't been introduced by accident. I haven't got as far as 
figuring out whether it was a fully thought through decision or whether 
someone just created these cases for completeness.

> ... 
> >    I don't see any way to satisfy both these requirements. Is it 
> >    reasonable to relax the requirement that "x is y" should be treated 
> >    as True when both variables are undefined? 
> Seems reasonable to me. 
> > 2) There appears to be an inconsistency in the default_if_none 
> >    modifier.

> >    I think this is just a bug, does anyone think otherwise? 
> I agree. 

OK. I think I'll open this as a separate bug and solve that first.


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