In ticket #27683 [0], Shai proposed to change Django to default to using 
the READ COMMITTED isolation level. Some background on the reasons are on 
the ticket and in another thread [1] (possible data loss is involved).

The initial approach [2] that Shai put forward is adding a deprecation 
warning and a system check:
- The deprecation warning says, "Django's default transaction isolation 
level on MySQL is going to change from REPEATABLE READ (MySQL's default) to 
READ COMMITTED. Specify an explicit level by setting 'isolation_level' in 
'OPTIONS' in the connection settings."
- The system check warning (visible when running migrate) says, 
"Transaction isolation level for database connection 'default' is 
'REPEATABLE-READ'. Django and many of its apps are written to work 
correctly under the READ COMMITTED transaction isolation level. MySQL's 
default level, REPEATABLE READ, may imply some surprising behaviors under 
concurrent loads, leading to possible data loss. It is recommended that you 
change the transaction isolation level."

If an isolation level isn't specified in DATABASES['OPTIONS'], Django would 
start setting a READ COMMITTED isolation level in Django 2.1. Both the 
system check (since it wouldn't trigger anymore) and the deprecation 
warning would be removed at that time. The reason for having both a check 
and a deprecation warning seems to be that deprecation warnings are silent 
by default.

An alternate idea is to skip the deprecation cycle and make Django start 
setting the default isolation in Django 1.11. I'm not sure if giving 
projects two release cycles to choose their isolation level adds value. In 
the "no thinking involved" case, it's not difficult to specify what's being 
used now, REPEATABLE READ. If Django changed the isolation level in 1.11, a 
"compatibility" system check could raise a warning if 'isolation_level' 
isn't specified in the database settings. This leaves projects in the same 
place as the first approach, where all MySQL projects have to specify an 
isolation level to silence a warning. That check would be removed in Django 
2.0, which avoids another 8 months of new MySQL projects (started with 
Django 2.0) having a check and/or deprecation warning out of the box that 
the first approach requires. (Ideally, the compatibility system check could 
differentiate between existing projects and new projects in Django 1.11, 
but past heuristics to do this involving examining settings and comparing 
them to the startproject defaults haven't been accurate.)

Shai said, "The deprecation period may be required because although the 
warnings and settings are at the project level, there may be code changes 
required at the app level, and it may be better to keep the new projects 
aware of the issue while 3rd parties adapt."

I don't know enough to say whether or not that's the case. Anyway, I think 
a project could evaluate their apps and make a decision to stay with 
REPEATABLE READ or to switch to READ COMMITTED. How do MySQL users feel 
about the two approaches?


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