On Monday, 27 February 2017 10:43:02 UTC, Luke Plant wrote:
> On 05/01/17 02:39, Tim Martin wrote:
> 2) There appears to be an inconsistency in the default_if_none
>    modifier. If I have a template with
>    x|default_if_none:y = {{x|default_if_none:y}}
>    {% if x|default_if_none:y %}
>    x|default_if_none:y is apparently True
>    {% endif %}
>    with y defined to True and x undefined, then it produces:
>    x|default_if_none:y = 
>    x|default_if_none:y is apparently True
>    IOW it appears that the default_if_none doesn't cause y's value to
>    be used in the case where the variable is being printed, even
>    though it causes the expression to have y's value when evaluated in
>    an if. I think this is something to do with the fact that the two
>    ways of handling failures (ignore_failures and string_if_invalid)
>    do different things.
>    I don't see a way to make backward compatible code here.
>    I think this is just a bug, does anyone think otherwise?
> This seems to be working exactly as it should.
> In the context of template variable interpolation i.e. `{{ }}` syntax, it 
> is defined that `x` in this case will get converted to the empty string (or 
> your 'string_if_invalid' setting) - 
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/api/#how-invalid-variables-are-handled
> - unlike the case for `if` tags.
> When this value (the empty string) is passed to `default_if_none`, the 
> value is not changed, since it is not None. See 
> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/templates/builtins/#default-if-none

The missing piece of information for me (and even reading the docs it's far 
from obvious) is that undefined variables mean two different things in the 
different contexts.

The value *is* changed in the second case, because it *is* None. Undefined 
values are '' in {{ }} context but are None in {% %} context. Maybe that's 
obvious to you, but it's not to me. In fact, after a few minutes searching 
I still can't find where this is mentioned in the documentation. Only the 
vague statement that invalid variables are "generally" replaced with 


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