Hi Carlton,

I've had similar thoughts sitting in the back of my mind for at least a
couple of months, so thank you for sharing this. I agree that finding
tickets is one of the big problems here, both for new contributors and for
sprint leaders. At Pycon UK I took on the role of sprint leader along with
Adam Johnson and directing people to appropriate tickets was a definite
difficulty. I was also unaware of the django core mentorship list and will
be joining that soon. I'm willing to spend some time mentoring a small
number of people, life permitting.


On Fri, 26 Oct 2018 at 14:44, Carlton Gibson <carlton.gib...@gmail.com>

> Hi All.
> OK, so last week I was at DjangoCon US in San Diego. (Thank you if you
> organised that! Hi! if we met and chatted.)
> I gave a talk ("Your web framework needs you!") inspired by the
> discussion on the
> <https://groups.google.com/d/topic/dsf-members/GWOzvsOAGUs/discussion>
> DSF list and the proposal to dissolve Django Core
> <https://github.com/django/deps/pull/47>. (Can’t see the DSF list? Join
> the DSF
> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd5lbWxAO-sylEEjHVKBNIpmHlhdJRf0_LCo8glnLUWd-Q2Sw/viewform>
> .)
> I was asking for more participation in general, and participation that is
> more representative of the wider Django community in particular.
> There was lots of good input from many people, including (but not, at all,
> limited to) representatives of groups such Pyladies, DjangoGirls, and so
> on.
> The recurring themes seem to me to fit into three categories:
>    1. The importance of *mentoring*.
>    2. The difficulty of *finding tickets*.
>    3. The importance of *sprints*.
> The rest here is a summary of that. Hopefully it’s useful.
> Mentoring
> For whatever reasons, the exiting *Contributing How-To*
> <https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/internals/contributing/> doesn’t
> lead to contributions from a demographic that matches the wider Django
> Community.
> The point that came up again and again about this was that *mentoring* is
> one of the best (perhaps the best?) tool in helping to change this.
> Django Core Mentorship
> We don’t have an official mentoring programme but we do have the 
> django-core-mentorship
> list <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/django-core-mentorship>.
> This must be about the best-kept secret in the Django world: it’s gets ≈0
> traffic, but I told everybody at DjangoCon about it, and that they should
> use it.
> If you are not on django-core-mentorship, and you’re willing to help
> prospective contributors, please sign-up. I’m hoping we can drive some
> traffic to it.
> Maybe there’s call for something more formal, but at least until DCM is
> actually being used, that seems (to me) like something we can postpone.
> Finding Tickets
> The next thing was that there’s not enough guidance on what to work on.
> The guidance is to look for *Easy Pickings*. There are ≈1300 accepted
> open tickets in TRAC. 13 of these are marked *Easy Pickings*.
> That’s not enough. I think we’re too tight with it (or need another
> grade).
> There are *many* tickets which aren’t super hard: I put it that, most of
> our community solve harder problems every day *using Django* than most
> tickets require.
> Yes, they still require time, love, energy, etc — and maybe some mentoring
> — but it’s not primary research, in the main.
> I talked to people who had (at the conference) got the test suite running
> and such, but been overawed by the (for want of a better phrase) *sheer
> face* of issue tracker.
> We would do well to invite people better here. (I don’t have instant
> solutions.)
> Sprints
> I’m not historically a Django-sprinter. (I have too many children for that
> TBH, but they’re getting older…)
> I always thought it was for a hard-core to work on hard issues.
> Shows what I know… 🙂
> It was strongly impressed upon me that the real benefit of sprints is
> being able to give new contributors the support they need to make their
> first (or second or…) contribution.
> In particular, groups such as Pyladies can organise a sprint event with
> the specific goal of helping members of the community get across the
> barriers to contributing. This can reach numbers that otherwise simply
> aren’t possible. (So wow. Basically.)
> Sprints & Mentoring
> Obviously having mentors at sprints is a key component.
> But even if you (or I) can’t attend a sprint, maybe we can (sometimes) be
> available at the right time to contribute remotely. Maybe, in fact, remote
> mentors are a key resource in more remote parts of the Django-sphere.
> It turns out just being on e.g. Twitter can be enough here.
> If we’re all on django-core-mentorship, maybe sprint organisers could post
> notice of an upcoming sprint.
> Sprints & Finding Tickets
> It turns out it’s equally hard for a sprint organiser to work out what
> tasks to give sprinters.
> At DjangoCon (some) people have a topic and asks others to join them. But,
> maybe if you’re short of experts and so on, that’s not necessarily a model
> that allows that scales out in other contexts.
> It was put to me that, if we had something like curated project boards
> (think Trello or GitHub projects) with groups of tickets… perhaps some
> easier, some harder… Perhaps with a *curating mentor*, even if remote… —
> *THEN* it becomes much easier for a small groups to organise a sprint,
> whatever their group may look like, wherever they may be.
> It struck me that, whilst we can (say) filter tickets by component (and
> such) we’re were a way from this.
> (Again, I don’t have instant solutions — but I suspect there’s an 80:20
> available somewhere here…)
> And finally…
> Beyond all that, we clearly have a problem with the on-ramp. Anything that
> smooths that is welcome.
> I asked in particular that leaders from outside the demographic that is
> already contributing help in that process. (I just don’t think we’ll get it
> right otherwise.)
> The discussions leading to the points I’ve summarised here are part of
> that. Just the beginning I hope.
> All positive input very welcome. Hopefully there’s nothing actually
> controversial in all of this.
> Kind Regards,
> Carlton
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